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Grant support

This work was supported by National Technological University (NTU) - PID ASUTIBA2441TC.

Análisis de autorías institucional
Gabaldon Castillo, F.Autor o Coautor
Publicaciones > Conferencia Publicada

Evaluation of the Impact of Arterial Wall Viscosity in Pressure Morphology by Means of a Simplified 1D Model

Publicado en:Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference Of The Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society. Ieee Engineering In Medicine And Biology Society. Conference. 2016-October 2656-2658 - 2016-01-01 2016-October(), doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7591276

Gabaldon Castillo, F.;


38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society (EMBC) - Sede o Evento
National Technological University (NTU) - Financiador
Univ Favaloro, Fac Ingn & Ciencias Exactas & Nat, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina - Autor o Coautor
Univ Politecn Madrid, Escuela Tecn Super Ingenieros Caminos Canales & P, Madrid, Spain - Autor o Coautor
Univ Tecnol Nacl, Escuela Estudios Avanzados Ciencias Ingn, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina - Autor o Coautor
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Resúmen: Introduction: The interest on computational simulations of biomedical models has increased in the last years. Nevertheless, the viscous properties of vessel all are usually neglected. Materials and Methods: A 1D model of blood flow and its interaction with the arterial wall was implemented. Non-viscous modeling and the addition of a wall-viscosity term were considered. The goodness of fit in each case was evaluated. Results: Simulated radial blood pressure was generated using central blood pressure as the input of the proposed 1D tapered model. Results obtained showed an improvement as a consequence of introducing wall viscosity into the model calculations. Discussion: The effect of viscoelasticity has a great significance in the implementation of computational models, since a better fit between simulated and experimental data is achieved.

Palabras clave: Flow

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